Build your poultry with BroilerX

BroilerX's Partnership Poultry Farm Funding is the ultimate solution to enhance your farming venture. With affordable financing and comprehensive support, we understand the challenges faced by farmers. Quality poultry chicks, top-notch feed, and effective management guidance are part of our commitment to help farmers achieve success. Join BroilerX and achieve sustainable growth in the poultry industry.


Your Benefits

Premium Quality

Premium Quality

A minimum 6-cycle maintenance period within 1 year.

Fast Liquidation RHPP

Fast Liquidation RHPP

Harvest speed and precision are our priorities.

Smart Farming and IoT Technology

Smart Farming and IoT Technology

Equipped with smart farming and IoT technology.

Considering joining BroilerX?

Steps to Join Partnership BroilerX

  1. 1

    Farmers can contact BroilerX's Customer Service via WhatsApp.

  2. 2

    The BroilerX team conducts a visit to the farm for a survey

  3. 3

    Farmers will be provided with further information regarding the partnership

Exploring opportunities with BroilerX?

Ensure you meet our expectations

Own land and a farm.

Ready to sign a contract.

Prepare collateral (securities).

Minimum cage capacity of 5,000 birds.

Exploring opportunities with BroilerX?

What do partners say about BroilerX

The BroilerX App helps me when I need to check the cage without having to go back and forth to the cage. It really helps me, especially when I'm doing other activities.

Bu Ismi

Farmer area Malang, unit Malang

BroilerX offers a closer experience with PPL. The reason I joined BroilerX is also because of the good communication between the partnership and the farmer, so I get more guidance in farming.

Bu Sri Handayani

Farmer Wonogiri

I am happy to join BroilerX because I get good quality DOC and I am very helped by the extra attention from PPL.

Mas Shidiq

Farmer area Pemalang, Unit Tegal

Using the BroilerX App, monitoring and recording daily becomes easier, organized, and more efficient.

Mba Dinda

Farmer area Magetan, unit Madiun

Partnering with BroilerX, I feel assured by the contract and the exceptional DOC. Not only that, but the supplied poultry input is always of high quality. I am very optimistic that BroilerX will continue to innovate and improve services for a brighter future for us farmers

Pak Tri

Farmer Area Magetan, Unit Madiun

BroilerX has good quality poultry input with a great contract. In addition, the presence of PPL and Unit Heads who directly meet farmers is an advantage when partnering with BroilerX.

Pak Umar

Farmer area Madiun, Unit Madiun

From good DOC, supported by a great and beneficial contract for me as a farmer. Partnering with BroilerX is the right choice for me.

Pak Wono

Farmer Area Banjarnegara, Unit Purwokerto

Optimize Your Farm, Become our partner Now!

Develop your farm's potential with full support and solutions from the BroilerX team.